Invest Smarter

(EP. 29) Should you Invest with the Market at Highs?

David DeWitt

Welcome to the Invest Smarter podcast. On this show, we aim to leave you a smarter investor by the end of every episode. We will simplify investing, provide actionable ideas, and discuss timeless investing wisdom.

In this episode, we talk about whether or not you should invest when the market is at highs. Just thinking about whether or not to invest when the market is at highs means you are engaging in market timing, and we know throughout history that humans are simply not good at timing markets. Markets are incredibly complex, and every transaction has a seller and buyer, and both are humans, or algorithms designed by humans, and humans are emotional and vulnerable to irrational decision making.

We discuss statistics to dispel the notion that investing highs is a poor idea.

Articles Discussed:

Should I Invest When The Market Is High? Dispelling The Buy Low, Sell High Myth

Investors Reacted to Market Crisis in Unprecedented Fashion